Cedar Point Parent Swap
CEDAR POINT PARENT SWAP – As a parent of three young boys, dispelling their energy means getting on and off of a lot of rides when visiting an amusement park. So when we were recently invited to spend a weekend at Cedar Point, it meant lots and lots of 48″ and under rides for the young ones.
However, every once in a while, a parent needs a dose of thrills, and fortunately, Cedar Point has our backs when it comes to waiting in the often long lines for the big roller coasters. That is where Parent Swap comes in.

Cedar Point offers guests with young children the opportunity to get a Parent Swap pass valid on the day of your visit. Simply visit Guest Services, the Town Hall Museum, or the Resort Entrance Gate and tell them you would like a Parent Swap pass.
After being assigned, the parent proceeds to wait in line for any of the roller coasters. The list includes:
- Blue Streak
- Corkscrew
- GateKeeper
- Gemini
- Iron Dragon
- Magnum XL-200
- Mantis
- Maverick
- maxAir
- Mean Streak
- Millennium Force
- Mine Ride
- Pipe Scream
- Power Tower
- Raptor
- Shoot the Rapids
- Skyhawk
- Snake River Falls
- Thunder Canyon
- Top Thrill Dragster
- Wicked Twister
- WindSeeker
The policy holder then gives the Parent Swap pass to the ride platform attendant. After exiting the ride, the other parent than returns via the Fast Lane line and retrieves the Parent Swap pass following completion of the ride.
The Parent Swap policy is in effect for the policy holder, their partner watching the children, and one guest tall enough to ride. So for example in our case, if our oldest was tall enough to ride one of the larger rides, I could proceed to ride, then exit, where my wife and oldest son could then proceed to ride together. The Parent Swap policy does not get the entire party access to the Fast Lane line.
This is a great policy for parents, allowing families the peace of mind that while their children are enjoying their day, there is no reason a parent can not as well.
What has been your experience with the Cedar Point Parent Swap pass.
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Source: InACents
Note: Our family was provided with Cedar Point tickets as part of a blogging event, but all opinions are those of the author.