Discover Who Does America Hates Eating Thanksgiving Meals with More Than Grandma
Much like the 2012 delayed Halloween due to Hurricane Sandy, by the time the actual holiday comes around, I am usually tired of the idea since our family normally starts decorating and getting in the mood a month ahead of time. One month of walking around as a turkey is a tough gig.
Discover Card (Facebook/Twitter) recently polled college football fans and asked them what they are most thankful for about a football team? The overwhelming majority gave all the credit to the coach.
I can not be the only person that has to scratch my head at the coach getting all the credit. I mean what do they really do? They are not the ones beating themselves on the field play after play. I always wonder the same thing about baseball, when they show the coach sitting on the bench chewing his sunflower seeds and never putting in any work. I suppose someone has to be calling the plays, but than again, with my limited football knowledge, is not that what the other line coaches are to do?
I suppose it can take only one person to rally the players and unite for the common cause of winning a game, but would it not be better to teach your players proper financial planning and some credit card management? After all, only a fraction of players will ever make it to the NFL.

Most fans said they would rather eat Thanksgiving dinner with their favorite team instead of their cheerleaders, the band, the mascot, or the refs. Here’s the breakdown:
– The team, 39 percent
– The cheerleaders, 22 percent
– The band, 6 percent
– The mascot, 6 percent
– The refs, 1 percent
– Not sure, 25 percent
All this talk of Thanksgiving leaves me, well…hungry. While I thoroughly enjoyed my crab meat topped red snapper, there is something about traditions that makes the holidays all the more special.
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For reference, here are some of the other Discover Card Fan Loyalty Poll results.
– Will Discover Card’s College Football Poll Tell the Results of the 2012 Presidential Election?
– Discover Card’s College Fan Poll Proves No Loyalty to the Chicken Wing
– Being a Couch Potato Could Earn You A $25 Discover Gift Card
– Discover Fan Loyalty Evaluates Football Superstitions
– Discover Card Asks the Question: Would You Skip Work for Tickets
– I Am Betting Everything on Major Changes in Our Lives Over the Next Year
– My Real Identity is Finally Revealed Thanks to a Movie, Magazine, and Polling
Discover Card does compensate our family for being an official Fan Loyalty Correspondent, but any opinions are our own.
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