Are you annoyed when people take photos while dining at a restaurant?
Ever since our experience dining with the Obama’s in NYC, I have paid closer attention to when it is appropriate to take pictures of our food when eating at restaurants. I am a self-proclaimed food-porn addict, and always have loved taking pictures of my food for future reference. Dining in today’s world has come to symbolize more than just shoveling edibles into your mouth. Instead, selecting the right assortment of appetizers with entrees has become an art, with exceptional time and expertise being put forth by chefs to make the ultimate presentation of your food.
So when I pull out my camera to take pictures of our food, I now am more keen on the glares I am receiving from people around us, though none more egregious than those at Blue Hill (those snobs).
On the right hand side of the site you will see a new poll, asking you, “Are you annoyed when other people are taking photos while dining at a restaurant?”
Thanks for your input. If you feel so incline, feel free to elaborate in this post on your thoughts on food-porn addicts.
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I would absolutely have to agree. Why on earth would you ever want to take photos of food in a classy restaurant?? Makes you look kinda silly and certainly a sign that you don’t belong there. It’s like wearing flip flops and a baseball cap in first class.
I see both sides to this argument. One one hand, I think that having a picture of a nice meal helps to make the memory last, but I can also see that when you are at a fancy place you have to keep it cool. Like the veterans tell the rookies in the NHL, act like you’ve been there before.
One of the reasons that I love my Canon S90 point and shoot is that it’s great in low light conditions. I can take a couple of quick snaps of food without a flash and without having to bring out the big camera. When something looks photo worthy I can get my shots quickly and subtly.