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Additional Discover Card Money Messenger Information

I found out some additional information this week after calling up Discover Card on the Money Messenger program. I previously talked about the advantages of the program in my post Discover Card Money Messenger Review.

After logging into my account this week, I decided to take a look to see if I could utilize the Money Messenger program. However, I had already reached my monthly limit and was locked out from sending new money. So as I mentioned I would do in my previous post, I called up Discover Card to see how I could increase my daily and monthly limits.

I explained to the representative my excellent credit history, high credit lines, and use as a customer. I questioned whether I could get my money messenger limits increased since I had friends and family who received higher limits. Basically even though the representative confirmed all of my history across multiple cards, there was nothing, unfortunately, that they could do at this time to increase my limits. It was worth a shot, right?

The agent explained they determine the limits based on lots of factors such as credit line, usage, history, etc. I figured I would have been a good candidate for higher limits just by calling, but I guess I have seldom gotten much out of Discover Card by just calling and asking.

I also questioned whether the monthly limit is based on a calendar month, statement cycle, or rolling basis. The agent informed me that the monthly limits are calculated from the first day or sent money. Therefore, if you sent the daily maximum of $200 on the 10th of the month, you would have to wait till at least the 10th of the following month to send another $200, assuming that is 30 days of elapsed time.

Of course they did try pitching me their monthly $9.99 credit monitoring program. Usually I just politely turn them down, but this time when he asked me if I was interested, I questioned whether they were going to give me any mileage or cashback bonuses for signing up. His response was I would earn rewards on the $9.99 monthly fee. Wow, I think I will pass.

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