Trip Souvenirs That Make You Cringe
TRIP SOUVENIRS THAT MAKE YOU CRINGE – My wife and I see pretty much eye to eye on almost all issues. Actually, it is sometimes even kind of scary to see just how often we are thinking of the same exact thing at the same time. She can literally read right through me most times and know exactly what I am thinking. So it is not often that we disagree on something. That is, until it comes to vacation souvenirs.
Call me a responsible father figure, or tightfisted, but I have long lost my affection to having to acquire material gifts to remember my vacations. I prefer loads of pictures and memories. Now, that is not to say that I will not spend money on memorable food items we discover while traveling. However, the majority of the time, I prefer to save our money and use it for experiences, and more travel, as opposed to taking something home to place on a shelf.
Mrs. InACents, however, comes from a different background. Growing up, she always received a stuffed animal from their travels. Consequently, she feels inclined to always want to purchase the boys a stuffed animal or character.
Going to Disney? Well that means we have to cart home two, and now three, new characters.
What I see? Just a pile of overstuffed fuzz-breeders that never get played with and continue to add to the clutter in our boys rooms.
Right after we had our first son, my wife and I planned a romantic anniversary getaway to New York City. Being my wife’s first time to the Big Apple, I planned a day of taking her shopping “Sex and the City” style, as well as a really nice meal with the Obama’s.
Except Mrs. InACents had other plans upon visiting a Today Show taping. She wanted to use a wedding giftcard to…Build-A-Bear. Ugh. The worst business invention on the planet. Mrs. wanted to bring back a stuffed bear for our newborn first child back home with the grandparents.
After making our cute and fluffy bear, they gave us a 3 foot by 1 foot wide bag to carry that little devil around the city all day. Talk about making a bummer of a romantic day.

We proceeded to tramps around NYC, letting my wife try on new dresses and shoes, all while guess who got to carry the bag for the majority of the day? My distaste for stuffed animals set in.
Now, five years later, and with three boys of our own, I have learned the hard lesson that my father-in-law and brother-in-law also have this thing for always buying a Build-A-Bear when we travel.
That all became too apparent last summer when the family trip meant a stop at the Myrtle Beach Build-A-Bear. This stop not only meant having to buy 3 disgruntled little dinosaurs, but also lots of clothing and accessories. While I may not have had to “bear” the brunt of the cost on my own, thanks to an eager father-in-law, I still had to make sure each of those creatures made their way home.

So I ask, what souvenirs must you or your significant other bring home from vacation that just makes your skin crawl?
Save Money, Travel More!
Source: InACents
I feel for you! Not only for having to buy and carry those things around, but also for potentially having to check luggage due to the size of those things. Luckily, we are pretty simple in buying a magnet and a Christmas tree ornament. We also try to do a Postagram for our son so he’ll have a personalized postcard that arrives in the mail a few days after we return home.