Dining with the Obama’s at Blue Hill Farm Restaurant in NYC
It was not long ago that we were childless, and a young and in love couple. My young bride and I would often take trips to get out and see the world. When I was single, and before meeting my wife, I often traveled back and forth to New York City to visit a close college friend. Some of the stories I am not quick sure I can tell in a family setting, but they were great times. My wife, on the other hand, had never experienced the Big Apple. Her first hand knowledge came from some show about four woman, shoes, and referencing men as Mr. Big. So eventually I knew it was my civic duty to show my wife the famous Big City.
After having Bug in 2009, our lives were forever changed for the better: changing dirty diapers, the relentless amount of bottle cleanings, and those unforgettable baby smiles. However, our first wedding anniversary was rapidly approaching in July and we made plans to get away for the long holiday weekend by driving out to New York City.
My wife was excited, as was I to get to be a tour guide and show her the many exciting destinations. However, there was also a bit of sadness, as it was the first time we were leaving Bug alone for an overnight trip. Fortunately, my parents stepped in and gladly watched their new grandchild for the weekend. I am not quite sure who was more excited, them to watch the new baby or us to get away for a weekend?
There was so many options available for the weekend. I was carefully planning out where we would be, how we would get there, and what we would eat. My biggest surprise came in the form of scoring a reservation at the famous Blue Hill Farm Restaurant located in Greenwich Village. The reason being is that the restaurant really hit the map when President Obama and his wife chose the location for their famous date night on May 30, 2009. So I figured there was no chance I was getting in.
I think what really helped with getting a reservation was because we wanted to dine there on our actual anniversary, July 4. Most people in the City are out of the city on the weekends, especially a holiday weekend. So the restaurant and the town had more subdued crowds than normal.
My wife and I were both very excited for our special dining experience, but before we get into the restaurant and meal, I have to mention the rest of the day.
As any romantic man will know, the first anniversary is symbolized by paper. Why, I have no idea, but I figured since it was our first official anniversary as husband and wife, I might as well start out on the right foot. So my gift to my wife was what any loving husband should do…
That is right. I gave my wife an open pass and gift of money (paper) with the stipulation that I would shop with her all day, showing her all the trendy stores, etc. She had to spend the money on a new outfit from head to toe for our elaborate date night at Blue Hill. While she had a “budget,” the idea was to not worry about sticker shock and really buy something she truly liked.
While I do not mind some shopping, a full day of trying on dresses can be exhausting. When I do shop, I am one to run in, hit all the areas I need to, and get back out. Mrs. InACents, like most woman, likes to browse though, which can make for a very long day. The good part about it though is I was with my wife, she was trying on outfits for me, I was playing tour guide as we went around the City, and we had an excellent meal planned for the end of the day. I also have to admit when she wears those heels, she still gets tons of compliments on them! Go paper anniversary present!

One mistake I made during the day was letting my wife convince me we just HAD to visit the Times Square Build-a-Bear location to purchase a stuffed animal for Bug. Let me preface by saying I think stuffed animals are an absolute disaster waste of money. So we purchased our lovely new animal, yet little did I know we would have to carry that stinking overstuffed junk in a 1′ x 3′ over-sized bag emblazoned with Build-a-Bear pictorials. Great, and guess who had to lug that giant bag around all day!
Later, in the day, with my hot momma on my arm, and the deadly stuffed animal back in the hotel room, we headed off for our delectable meal at Blue Hill. For this trip, we sprung for the high end transportation service, the Yellow Taxi. I was not about to cart my wife in heels through the subway and then make her walk in the July heat to the restaurant (I already made that mistake earlier in the trip).
We arrived early and enjoyed a seat at the bar to have some cocktails. The barmaid made us some fresh concoctions, and we casually chit-chatted about what it was like when the Obama’s visited. While everyone we talked with was pretty hush-hush about the experience, we did manage to get some minor details about how the night and pre-arrival rundown with the Secret service went down. Most notably was talking about where Mr. and Mrs. Obama were seated, in a strategic corner, and out of a direct line-of-sight from the outside.
As we sipped on our cocktails, and I sat mesmerized by my wife’s new outfit, we were called for our table. We gathered our belongings…past a couple of tables of other guests…and were seated in the same seats the Obama’s had sat in just a little over a month prior! To say the least, we were slap-happy with excitement, and it was not the cocktails that was making us act so.
Our waitress came over, and went through the normal rundown. When asked what the Obama’s had enjoyed, she was able to make recommendations based on exactly what they had eaten, although if memory served me correct, some of the items they ate were not on the menu and were specifically made by the chef.
The food was fantastic, fresh, and incredibly earthy tasting! As the food was brought out I attempted to take pictures of the food. Taking pictures in small, intimate restaurant, without warning those around you, will cause everyone to swarm in on you like the Secret Service. It is terrifying!
Everyone kind of stared at us, like what were we doing? So not only did I continue to be able to take horrible pictures of food, I nearly got kicked out on our anniversary date night for startling the customers. Whoops.
Overall, we had a fantastic first anniversary in NYC, despite getting attacked by a Build-a-Bear, and anytime my wife wears those fantastic heels, I can look back on an amazing adventure that helped start our life together.
Save Money, Travel More!
You should have ordered off the menu too. I’m sure they read your blog. They would have accommodated you!