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Spending Thanksgiving in Williamsburg, VA

For once in my life, I am extremely late in fulfilling a promise, or rather a Christmas gift from 2011. I purchased my wife tickets to visit Colonial Williamsburg thanks to a fantastic Cyber Monday sale last year. So to say I am cutting it a little close is an understatement. Hey, lay off, I…


1,000 Free Priority Club Points for Survey

Priority Club sent out a targeted email to folks to take the below survey and earn http://allaboutyou.priorityclub.com/?cm_mmc=EMAIL-_-AH_HRG-_-PCR_NewMember_Quiz_20120816-_-AMEN-_-primary_cta#nogo 1,000 free points. The site takes an extremely long time to load, may hang up on questions that you already answer, and you may not get the points since it was targeted. For a couple minutes of time…


JetBlue 10 One-Way Flights GoPacks Available at Select Cities

JetBlue is offering 10 non-stop, one-way tickets on select routes, also known as a GoPack, for sale September 28-October 6, 2012. Flights can be used September 13 through December 19, 2012 (blackout dates: 11/20 – 11/26). Fortunately, or unfortunately for us, we are not located near a participating City. GoPacks need to be purchase at…