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US Airways Audience Rewards Trivia Update (8-31-11)

Another day, more free miles. Today the US Airways Broadway trivia questions were updated, for a total of 12 Dividend miles. The playwright of Relatively Speaking is what nationality? English The revival of Porgy and Bess will be performed at a theatre named for which of the following composers? Richard Rodgers What song does Dyanne…

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Cedar Point and African Safari Trip Report for Families (Part 1)

I am exhausted! I love the experience of being able to go into an amusement park, and getting the feeling of being in another place and time, with little thought of the outside world. Except this time I brought the outside with me…it was my company work party, being celebrated at Cedar Point amusement park…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Delta Update (8-30-11)

Delta’s Audience Rewards questions updated this morning for an easy 10 miles. Where was Victoria Clark born? Dallas, TX How many actors are in the on stage cast of Godspell? 10 True or False? Memphis did not win any acting Tony Awards. True When did Million Dollar Quartet transfer to Off Broadway? July 2011 What…