As of August 2013, the Points Play trivia questions to earn miles and points in various partners has been placed on hold.
If you are new to the mileage and points game, and the Audience Rewards program, let me welcome you to some wonderful opportunities! To help in aiding people find the latest Audience Rewards data, I created this page to store all of the information, as well as some answers to commonly asked questions. This way you will not need to necessarily search through my blog to find the latest posts, although you still can read all of my other valuable content. 🙂 If you have any questions related to the Audience Rewards program, please post a comment here or email me at justin (at) so I can help with answering your questions.
First, Audience Rewards is a New York based program originally created for the purpose of rewarding those who purchase Broadway show tickets through their system. The program is similar to any other reward system where the more points one earns, the more they can be redeemed towards other Broadway tickets. Audience Rewards gives away Show Points on the purchase to tickets in select cities, with the goal of becoming a National program. Unfortunately, Audience Rewards only rewards you with Show Points on premium tickets, and not all tickets available. The positive side of the Audience Rewards program though is the relationship with other reward programs and the free trivia questions.
I stumbled upon the Audience Rewards Points Play trivia questions back in early July 2011 when going through my US Airways account, and quickly learned about the several other airlines and various other reward programs that could receive free miles or points within the Audience Rewards program. Audience Rewards began offering the trivia questions for free miles/points in May 2011. InACents then began tracking the latest questions and answers to get the information out to other mile and point enthusiasts. I thank you readers, as well as those that help link to me, for the latest information! We make sure to monitor all of the latest developments in the Audience Rewards program, and not only update this page with the newest questions and answers, but also create new posts, which you can be notified of as soon as they are released via Facebook, Twitter, RSS, or email. Be sure to sign up for one of more of our social programs to stay up-to-date with the latest in free miles and points!
Quick note, from what I have been able to determine, InACents was not the first to mention Audience Rewards and the trivia questions to earn free miles or points on the internet. I would like to give credit to Money and Map for beating me by a couple of days to posting the first record of answers to the Audience Rewards program.
We personally monitor all of the latest Delta, US Airways, and SPG Points Play programs as well as the Best Buy questions and research each and every trivia question. So know that I have tested out and earned miles or points in each program.
If you need to sign up for an Audience Rewards account, you can do so here. Please see our question and answer section below for some insider tips when creating an account.
So now for the good stuff, free miles and points. Here are the latest questions and answers for the programs I partake in. Note, we currently only track questions that earn us Show Points AND partner points with Delta, US Airways, SPG, and Best Buy. There are tons of questions that only earn Show Points, and we do not track those.
Delta Skymiles Audience Rewards Partner Program
- Program currently being evaluated for future.
US Airways Dividend Miles Audience Rewards Partner Program
US Airways Dividend Miles (Updated -)
- Program currently being evaluated for future.
Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Audience Rewards Partner Program
Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Points (Updated -)
- Program currently being evaluated for future.
Best Buy Reward Zone Audience Rewards Partner Program
We also keep dibs on the Best Buy Reward Zone questions because of a nice little feature of being able to transfer points at into other reward programs. This is an excellent way to be able to top off an account or keep one from becoming inactive. Or even better, there are opportunities to be able to transfer Best Buy Reward Zone points into other programs that earn you bonus miles (i.e. the US Airways Grand Slam promotion in September-November of each year).
Best Buy Reward Zone (Updated -)
- Program currently being evaluated for future.
A word of note for those collecting Best Buy Reward Zone points via Audience Rewards. User “tarheelblue” on MilePoint reminded everyone of the following information from the Best Buy Reward Zone FAQs:
“At the beginning of every calendar year, the points in your account (except for Reward Zone program Credit Card members, Reward Zone program MasterCard cardmembers and Premier Silver members) will be issued as reward certificates down to the $5 level, and any remaining points will be forfeited.
You will begin earning points for the new calendar year on January 1. For example, if you have 300 points, you will receive a $5 reward certificate (250 Points) and you will forfeit 50 points.”
Therefore, around the end of this year, everyone should be considering transferring their unused points into another reward program via
The second thing everyone should do with their Best Best Reward Zone account is make sure that you log in to your account and set the redemption level at the 1,000 point level. The reason is, if you set the certificate redemption level at $5 (250 points), and you earn 250 points from the Audience Rewards trivia questions, you will automatically get issued a Best Best gift certificate. If you have an interest in shopping at Best Buy, than go ahead and keep the redemption level low; however, if you are collecting Best Buy Reward Zone points with the intention of moving them into another program towards free travel, set the redemption level high and you should not have an issue within a calendar year.
Other Partner Programs
Audience Rewards is also partnered with Amtrak and United, but does not offer earning of points or miles in these partner programs via Broadway trivia questions. We keep getting told they may be on the horizon, but have yet to see any changes. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, RSS, or email to stay up to date with all the latest Audience Rewards news.
Questions for Audience Rewards Beginners
If you have any questions related to the Audience Rewards programs, please post a comment or send me an email to justin (at), and we will try to get it answered for you as best we can and/or get the question and answer added to the list.
When did the Audience Rewards Points Play trivia questions begin offering free miles or points in partner programs? May 2011; InACents started keeping a database of questions and answers starting in July 2011.
How do I earn miles/points in multiple Audience Rewards partnership programs (i.e. Delta, US Airways, SPG, and Best Buy Reward Zone)?
This question involves the most “controversy” as there are two different thought processes and ways to create an Audience Rewards accounts and answer the Points Play Broadway trivia questions.
Audience Rewards (AR) would much rather you create one (1) account to manage all of your partner accounts. AR’s terms even state you are only allowed to have one account. Therefore, you would sign up and create one AR account, and then add your Delta Skymiles, US Airways Dividend Miles, SPG, and Best Buy Reward Zone account information to that same single AR account.
If you go the singular account method, you will need to make sure you select which program you want to earn miles or points in. As of mid-2012, AR started asking the same trivia questions across all partner programs. As a result, if you answered the questions signed in under Delta (assuming all your accounts are linked to one AR account), you could no longer answer the questions in other programs. This change created simplicity and cost savings for AR, but caused a little bit of a headache for those that used on AR account with all the partners.
The alternative, and better solution is to have a separate AR account for each partner program. Let me preface by saying this method does take more to manage, but there have been some advantages that I will discuss below. Personally, I have each account with each airline set up under a separate email address. So for example, we have three accounts with Delta, and I set it up all under my gmail account. The great thing about gmail is that if your email address has periods in it (i.e., the periods can be moved to any other point (or none at all) within the same email, and it will all go to the same account. So you can set up one account under, another under, and another with, or any other combination, and it will 1) count as a new email for your Audience Rewards account, and 2) it will all end up in the same email account.
So you can go through each of the Audience Rewards programs and create a new account for each. That is how I have each of ours done, which is a lot to manage, I know. It was not until I got around to creating my SPG account that I realized within Audience Rewards you can set up each separate program and set it to which program you want to earn rewards in.
Pros of one AR Account
– Earn Show Points from all partner programs in one AR account; this can be an excellent way towards building a balance that can be used for free Broadway show tickets.
– it does not matter which preference you have set up in your account; the only time this will matter is if you actually purchase Broadway tickets through Audience Rewards.
Cons of one AR Account
– AR recently started mixing questions that earn Show Points AND partner points together with questions that ONLY earn Show Points. If you go to the Delta partner page and start answering the questions, and do so with questions that ONLY earn Show Points, you will not be able to answer those same questions in the partner programs.
Personally, even tough it is more to manage, I prefer keeping them all our partner accounts under Audience Rewards separate accounts. We also have my wife’s AR account set up with several partner programs, so it really does not make that big of a difference provided you make sure to sign in and sign out of each partner program each time you answer questions. Either way, it is up to you which method works best for you. You can easily manage it all in a simple spreadsheet to keep it all straight, which I highly recommend so you know which email address is linked to which account.
What earning preference should I chose within Audience Rewards to earn miles/points in the selected program?
It does not matter what you set your earning preference too because that is only meant for actual purchases of Broadway show tickets through Audience Rewards.
We have our SPG account associated with my wife’s Delta Audience Rewards account. I have found that by setting the preference to earning SPG points, when I answer the Delta questions we still earn credit in her Delta account even though it is not set as the earning preference. And we also then earn the SPG points when answering those questions. For clarification, with this method you will not earn Delta AND SPG miles/points in both programs.
What can I do with Best Buy Reward Zone points?
It really depends on what your goals are for obtaining points in the Best Buy program. Personally, we are collecting Best Buy Reward Zone points solely to be able to transfer them into other reward programs at The transfer ratio is not always good when transferring on, but it can be an excellent resource to top of an account, keep an account active and from expiring, or earn additional bonus miles in a program (i.e. US Airways Grand Slam promotion in September-November each year). See our write-up above on some tips for the Best Buy Reward Zone program to help maximize the returns.
How come there are different questions when I click on Points Play at the Audience Rewards website?
1) How are you accessing the questions? Are you going to and clicking on Points Play to access the trivia questions, or are you accessing each of the partner pages (Delta, US Airways, etc.) and clicking on each of their Points Play links? Audience Rewards has tons of questions they offer to ONLY earn Audience Rewards points, and these are accessed on their Point Play home page.
You need to make sure you go to each of the individual partner Points Play pages to access their respective questions.
Here is a quick guide to access each company’s questions.
a) If you want to go to Delta’s questions, you can either click any of our direct links above, or when you are at, at the upper right click on Partner Points and click on Delta’s page.
b) Then within each partner page you will need to click Points Play to access their respective questions.
When viewing the Points Play questions, you need to make sure prior to answering the questions of whether they state they will earn 2 Show Points OR 2 Show Points + 2 Miles. After answering the question, the page will then tell you whether you will correctly earn Show Points or Show Points + Miles/Points.

2) There is a chance that within each of the partner Points Play trivia questions that you might see additional 20 mile/point questions that are not found on my lists. These are because Audience Rewards only gives out the 20 mile/point question to the first so many people to respond to the questions. It is strictly a first come, first serve system.
So if there is an additional question (or I list a 20 mile/point question you do not see), you might need to seek out the answer if I do not provide it. Feel free to share the answer in the comments so others may see it too.
Is there a limit to how many questions I can answer per day?
There is a limit to answering 20 questions per day per account. Even though the trivia questions associated with the partners to earn miles or points is only 5-6 questions per week, it is another reason I recommend having separate Audience Rewards accounts for each partner.
How many points/miles can I expect to earn from the Audience Rewards program?
Assuming one does not earn miles/points from purchasing Broadway show tickets, and you only want to answer Broadway trivia questions to earn free miles or points, you can expect to earn approximately 10-12 miles/points per 10 days in each partner program. So if you answer all the questions over the course of the year, and assuming you do not get any 20 point questions, you should be expected to earn approximately 360 Delta Skymiles, 360 US Airways Dividend Miles, 360 SPG points, and 360 Best Buy Reward Zone points.
Points earned via Audience Rewards will not necessarily get you and your family free flights or hotel nights, but the miles/points are free; they will prevent accounts from expiring; and they can be transferred to other programs, sometimes with great benefits depending on the promotions.
Pair the Audience Rewards program, with some great credit card offers, and some excellent promotions, and you surely can afford to Save Money, Travel More!
How long does it take for miles/points to show up in our accounts?
It can typically take up to a week for the miles/points to show up in an account. Therefore, if you are close to having enough miles/points for a ticket/night, or need to prevent accounts from expiring, the Audience Rewards Points Play trivia program is an excellent resource!
Can I do anything with all the Audience Rewards Show Points I have been earning?
Yes. Show Points can always be redeemed towards free Broadway show tickets. This is one great advantage of keeping all of your partner accounts under one Audience Rewards account.
The unfortunate thing is that Show Points can not currently be transferred into other programs via The Audience Rewards terms explicitly restrict transferring points out of the program if they were earned via trivia.
Again, we thank all of the readers for their support in making InACents the #1 resource for Audience Rewards information!
If you have any questions related to the Audience Rewards program, please post a comment here or email me at justin (at) so I can help with answering your questions. We make sure to monitor all of the latest developments in the Audience Rewards program, and not only update this page with the newest questions and answers, but also create new posts, which you can be notified of as soon as they are released via Facebook, Twitter, RSS, or email. Be sure to sign up for one of more of our social programs to stay up-to-date with the latest in free miles and points!