Virginia Beach Holiday Lights on the Boardwalk
Over Thanksgiving in Williamsburg, we had an extra day to wander and decided to take a drive down to Virginia Beach, not only so I could see it, having never been there before, but also to see the Boardwalk Holiday Lights display.
Each night between November 16, 2012 to January 1, 2013, the Virginia Beach boardwalk is closed to pedestrian traffic, and you can drive your vehicle through the lights between 2nd and 34th Streets.
At first I was a little skeptical of how valuable the experience was going to be considering it cost $15 just to drive through. However, after spending over 45 minutes to drive through the displays, I was thoroughly impressed. The lights were plentiful and made great scenes of various themes. Now to figure out how to build some of them for our house.
Driving and videoing the event proved to be more of a challenge than I anticipated. First not checking my battery life, then realizing my camera only wanted to record in half hour increments. Not even to mention what the wind does to sound quality coming in from the ocean. At least the company running the Holiday Lights event gives you a Christmas music CD to listen to during the drive.
Nothing like a late November trip to the beach!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Save Money, Travel More!
We loved the lights at Virginia Beach. When we went through, we also got a free ticket to the light display at the botanical gardens in Norfolk. That was 7-8 years ago though so I’m not sure if it still waits that way. It was hard for us to wrap our mind around sand vs. snow, but my kids absolutely loved the display.
@Tonya: I think out tickets included admission to the gardens too, but we did not have enough time to take part in that activity.