Trick-or-Treat Camping Style at East Harbor State Park

In honor of Halloween, today I want to share a fun family experience we got to do a couple weeks ago. My parents are the owner of an Airstream trailer and spent a good deal of their weekends in the later part of summer at various campgrounds. However, their favorite location is East Harbor State Park, located along the shores of Lake Erie.

After Labor Day, campgrounds across the U.S. turn into ghost-towns; however, for two weekends in October, floods of campers head back to East Harbor for the annual trick-or-treat event. We were fortunate to be able to reschedule our weekend a couple weeks ago, to head up with my parents.

The early part of the afternoon was filled with activities for the kids along with prizes. Then between 4:30-6:00, the roads were shut down and hundreds of kids flooded the drives to collect their loot. Little did I know, campers take Halloween seriously. Hundreds of camp sites were decorated with incredible Halloween decor.

The best part about the whole experience was not only the decorations but that the camp sites are only a couple feet apart, making the experience perfect for little feet.

So the point of this post is to consider taking the kids to a location out of the ordinary to experience trick-or-treat if you are unable to in your neighborhood. We had no idea trick-or-treating at a campground even existed, outside of Disney of course.

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