Top 10 Activities for Families to Build Emotional Intelligence

Framed Mweeman

Over the summer I took a class, which was the basis for our article Family Travel to Build Emotional Intelligence. We then published the Top 10 Cheap and Easy Family Trips to Build Learning Through Experiences. Through actually doing these one day trips some meaningful experiences are sure to be had.

I learned in class that the things that end up as our long term memories are the things that are meaningful and seem to make the most sense to us. Since “seeing is believing” and experiencing something for yourself is very meaningful for children and adults alike, it is hard to beat the hands on experiences that come with travel.

Here are some activities I want to do with my boys to build their overall Emotional Intelligence. Again as readers I hope you can find these ideas easy enough to do in your own home to strengthen your family bond and learn more about each other:

  1. Have a pay it forward day and have each family member think of one good deed to do for someone else and do it that day!
  2. Make artwork or cards for elderly neighbors or relatives and mail them.
  3. Have the family each write five (5) interesting questions on small slips of paper and place in a basket. Draw one each night and have really different dinner conversation as you discuss each answer the question.
  4. Have a family art night. Buy each family member a canvas that they can decorate as they please to represent themselves as individuals. Pop popcorn and make milkshakes to snack on while making awesome art. Hang all of the finished art together to represent your family as a whole.
  5. Have children go through their old toys and pick three (3) items each to donate to children in need. Drop off the items together.
  6. On New Years Eve make a list of activities you would like to do together and things you would like to accomplish together as a family in the next year.
  7. Pick a volunteer project to help with as a family.
  8. Host a neighborhood potluck.
  9. Have family traditions that are weekly such as a weekly movie night, board game night, or movie night. Let your children come up with the traditions.
  10. Make time to have dates with each of your kids, one on one, so they don’t have to always share attention. Make sure to make regular dates with just your spouse as well. Everyone needs to feel special!

I hope my thoughts on Emotional Intelligence and travel strike a chord with you as well. Most of all, I hope they awaken your inner learner to experience some family travel. Happy memory making!

Do any of you have favorite one day family trips or family bonding ideas to add to these lists? Please comment on what your family enjoys doing to learn together. These were pretty standard ideas so I would love to hear more creative places and things to do for my family to do together!

Save Money, Travel More!

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