InACents One Year Anniversary

1st Anniversary Cupcake

Today officially marks the one year anniversary of the first post on InACents. This site kind of all happened by accident on that cold, winter day. I own a laundry list of website names, but never did anything with them. As my full-time job slowed down, I decided to finally purchase hosting services and randomly chose InACents to start experimenting around with the various software. Slowly and organically, the site began to evolve into two of my hobbies, or lifestyles, money and travel. Here it is a year later, and we continue to learn about the technology and software, share our personal stories while incorporating some of the latest offers, and network with other bloggers and websites. I have met, online, some incredible other people who share very good information and share the same passion I do for developing our sites and businesses.

I have loved every minute of the blogging and the networking process. As we continue into 2012, we look forward to continuing to grow the site and interacting with new people. The past year has not only allowed us to show the fruits of our labor by running monthly recaps of all the miles and points we have been able to acquire by various methods (most being free or really cheap), but also being honest and justifiable with our finances, and showing the rewards we have been able to accomplish in our travels.

Who knows what the next year of InACents will bring, and things have evolved beyond what I even thought possible with the site. So Happy Anniversary to InACents.

Do you have any goals you would like to see accomplished over the next year? If you do not already, please consider following us on Facebook or Twitter, or even subscribing to the RSS feed in the upper left side of the site. Thanks!

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