A Change in Pace to Travel the World, the Great Family Escape

I have been in real need of inspiration lately. The real need comes from a less than satisfying career. It is such a huge risk though to ponder the thought of abandoning everything you went to school to learn, and the tens of thousands of dollars spent, and to up and leave it all behind for a new life. What is even more challenging is when you have a family to support.

While one side of me would love to say screw this job, and pick up and travel the world for a while with my family, it is a hard reality and risk that most are not willing to make. That is why I was incredibly inspired by a family that has decided a year from now (December 1, 2012), they no longer will live the typical nine to five life and raising a family in a McMansion. Over the course of the next 52 weeks, the Great Family Escape will chronicle the steps they will take to sell off their home and belongings, leave behind their careers, and travel throughout the US, Mexico, and Europe.

The family will learn to live more simply, all while teaching their two young children about mulch-cultural eduction. I love it, and while I do not know if we could take such a bold step in life, I really look forwarding to watching and learning from their journey over the course of the next year.

3 thoughts on “A Change in Pace to Travel the World, the Great Family Escape

  1. You’ll be surprised at what bold steps you can take in life. If you had asked me years ago if I could do this I would have said, “Wha?”

    Things change. I seriously doubted if we could do this 9 months ago, but it’s happening. The more comfortable and informed you get on any subject the easier it becomes.

    Now, on a different note. I have been storing hotel rewards for some time. I plan on cashing in as we travel. Figure it is nice to have a free shower and bed when you’re roughing it!

    Thanks a bunch for the mention and I’ll be looking for tips on your blog.


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