Discover What Can Come in Small Packages
The holiday season is upon us, and by now, I would venture to guess most people have at least already started their holiday shopping. Fortunately, we stock up pretty heavily throughout the year where we are not forced to do too much shopping over the holiday season.
When you shop online, do you shop through portals to earn bonus rewards? Shopping through portals can be a great way to get part of your purchase price back in either cashback or miles/points, and can rapidly grow the value in your accounts. Discover card has raised the cashback on over 70 merchants this holiday season, making for some of the highest percentages back. Do not believe me? Check out evrewards to see how most of the competitors stack up against each other.
Sephora, for example, is offering 10% cashback, whereas the closest competitors (Ebates and Big Crumbs) are only offering 8% cashback. Even on the miles/points side, Ultimate Rewards is only at 7 points per dollar spent. My cashback, with Discover, can then be leveraged towards gift cards. For example, $80 Discover cashback can earn you $100 towards Banana Republic, Gap, or Old Navy. If that is not your thing, Discover is teamed with tons of merchants offering anywhere from $5-20 more than the value of your cashback.
Discover Card (Facebook/Twitter) recently asked college football fans whether they would rather have gifts or for their team to win a National Championship. Gifts, just slightly edged out those wanting their team to win the big game.

The difference was wider between men and women, as 47 percent of men would rather have a national championship win compared to 35 percent of women. As for gifts, 44 percent of men and 51 percent of women prefer them. Fans of independent teams, such as Notre Dame, were also far more likely to choose a national championship title rather than gifts this holiday season compared to fans of the major conferences. Nearly 60 percent would trade gifts for a national championship title, far outpacing the overall average of 42 percent.
Save Money, Travel More!
For reference, here are some of the other Discover Card Fan Loyalty Poll results.
– Will Discover Card’s College Football Poll Tell the Results of the 2012 Presidential Election?
– Discover Card’s College Fan Poll Proves No Loyalty to the Chicken Wing
– Being a Couch Potato Could Earn You A $25 Discover Gift Card
– Discover Fan Loyalty Evaluates Football Superstitions
– Discover Card Asks the Question: Would You Skip Work for Tickets
– I Am Betting Everything on Major Changes in Our Lives Over the Next Year
– My Real Identity is Finally Revealed Thanks to a Movie, Magazine, and Polling
– Discover Who Does America Hates Eating Thanksgiving Meals with More Than Grandma
Discover Card does compensate our family for being an official Fan Loyalty Correspondent, but any opinions are our own.