If you had ever looked at this page before, it was quite different, as I went into detail about WHY we came to start blogging and InACents, as well as HOW we got everything set up. However, I recently was turned onto Simon Sinek and his remarkable ability to create optimism with his program Start with Why.

The discussion is really quite simple in nature, but remarkable in motivation and drive. The program encourages everyone to find their Why, and also discusses the Why, How, and What behind what motivates us. Simon also points out that most businesses start with What they sell/provide, How they stand out from the market, and Why you should buy/use the product. However, the smarter companies start with Why and end with what they provide.

The difference, as shown in the examples Simon provides, are remarkably powerful in how they motivate.

So Why am I changing this page to focus on Why InACents and What does this have to do with our audience?

First a little history about where I am in life. I am college educated and employed in a career that I never had a passion for, and always saw it as a means to provide a living. I performed my duties as a hired, educated, licensed professional day in, and day out, but have no sense of Why I do what I do as a career. Now it all makes sense to me about Why I have no passion for my job; my Why was to earn a decent paycheck, not do What truly makes me happy and motivates me each day.


That is where blogging, InACents, and our readers answers my Why. So today I am able to concretely answer Why InACents is here for everyone. My Why is because I have an incredible motivation to help others learn about the wonderful benefits of traveling. I want to inspire others that traveling does not need to be expensive, and should be obtainable for nearly everyone.

Blogging, for me brings me incredible happiness, and empowers me to work harder to share with everyone that you have incredible opportunities to see the world at a fraction of what most people pay.


By staying connected with InACents, we want to teach you some easy things you can do to knock off hundreds, if not thousands of dollars off the cost of vacationing through smart money management, organization, and paying attention to incredible offers and discounts by companies pining for your business.


Readers of InACents will learn about some incredible offers and discounts, allowing you and your family to travel at incredibly reasonable prices. Our goal is to provide tools and a community to help others get to that Country on the other side of the world they have always wanted to experience. With everyone’s help, we can build an incredible resource.

Save Money, Travel More!

Get Started

Below is a list of some of the resources new and old readers to InACents should read to get started savings towards your next big vacation.


Legoland Promotions, Discounts, and Coupons– The largest, most comprehensive list of discounts to Legoland on the internet.

Audience Rewards Points Play Trivia– Your #1 resource on the internet for information to obtain free miles and points for answering Broadway trivia questions.

The Value of a Free Car Seat with Vehicle Rental– Check out these discounts on car rentals that will provide a free, hidden feature: free car seats rentals.


Lessons Learned from a Sheriff Sale– Read some of our experience with trying to purchase a home through Sheriff Sale, and how it is not for everyone.

Things to Do Once the Baby Arrives and Ways to Save Money– New baby on the way? Check out these reminders on things to do once the little one arrives.