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Audience Rewards Starwood Preferred Guest 100,000 Point Promotion (Week 3)

We are now half way through the Audience Rewards’ new promotion with Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG). Over the course of 4 weeks, Audience Reward members who have their SPG accounts linked (which you already do from following the InACents Points Play trivia page updates, right?), will have the opportunity to answer 10 trivia questions. Each…

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Costco American Express Ups 3% Cashback Limit on Gas Purchases

Update: Effective October 30, 2012, the Costco American Express will lose 0% Introductory APR for 6 months with flexibility to pay over time. I have a love-hate relationship when it comes to Costco. I really like shopping at Costco but my problem is never getting out of the store spending less than a couple hundred…

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A Little Rain Did Not Keep Us From Viewing the Grand ‘Akaka Falls (Big Island, Hawaii)

Our last destination on our adventure to scope out the waterfalls of the Big Island of Hawaii ended at ‘Akaka Falls. Billed as a 442 foot freefall among a lush jungle environment, we did not really fully know what we were getting into. As mentioned in our earlier posts, the eastern side of the Big…