Different Kinds of Envy

There are all kinds of envy.  Things like: new home envy, new car envy, dream job envy, weight loss envy.  This week I realized the WORST form of envy of all…at least for me…is TRAVEL ENVY.  Travel envy is a feeling you may understand if you ever have turned the Travel Channel off in disgust…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for Best Buy Reward Zone Points (1-25-12)

Hello everyone! Before I get into today’s Best Buy update, I have some more information related to points earned last year. As “tarheelblue” pointed out in a follow-up discussion on MilePoint, any points earned in the Best Buy Reward Zone (BBRZ) program at the end of 2011, but did not credit until January, will not…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for Delta Skymiles (1-24-12)

This morning the Delta Audience Rewards questions were updated to earn you free miles. Now for the trivia questions. The current Velma in Chicago has been in all but which of the following shows on Broadway? South Pacific How many times has the theatre where Mamma Mia! is playing changed names since the show opened…