
Audience Rewards Trivia Update for Free Best Buy Reward Zone Points (2-6-12)

Hello everyone! Today we have another round of the Best Buy Audience Rewards questions to earn you free points. Now, without further ado, we proudly present the trivia questions. How many members of the group U2 actively worked on Spider-Man, Turn off the Dark? 2 Andrew Lloyd Webber has composed two of the longest-running shows…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for Delta Skymiles (2-5-12)

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Are you ready for some…Broadway trivia? Join me, as it is the perfect way to start off your party day. This morning the Delta Audience Rewards questions were updated to earn you free miles. Now, without further ado, we proudly present this week’s trivia questions. What date/year did The Phantom of…

April 2010 Disneyland Hidden Queen

The Hiding Queen from Snow White at Disneyland

Have you ever noticed the hiding Queen from Snow White at Disneyland’s Fantasyland? We almost did not see her either. As we were walking around Fantasyland, and waiting for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, we just so happen to see movement in the upper level of the Snow White’s Scary Adventure building. Most of the time…