
Long Gone Are the Days of the Westward Ho Hotel and Casino

When I was young and single, flying out to Vegas for a week meant staying for as cheap as possible on a new college grad’s income. The first people I would turn to when looking for advice on Las Vegas was always my grandparents, who had made countless returns to the neon-mecca for decades. While…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for All Accounts (9-27-12)

Good evening fellow Audience Rewards (AR) fans! This afternoon the Audience Rewards program slowly updated their questions. Now, without further ado, we proudly present this week’s trivia questions. True or False? The original choreographer of The Lion King on Broadway has not choreographed any other Broadway show. True (Repeat question from Starwood program 8/23/11.) In…


1976 Complete Guide to Walt Disney World “America on Parade”

I love digging into my grandparents archives of travel documents and seeing what I can find. Today, I present a copy of the 1976 Complete Guide of Walt Disney World. Oh the memories…from before I was even born. 1976 marked the “America on Parade” celebration at Walt Disney World, 200 years after the signing of…