National Train Day
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Put a Little Choo-Choo in Your Life on National Train Day May 11, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013 marks the annual National Train Day event. When man learned to walk, he longed for a method of transportation that would make his life easier. When railway transportation was incorporated into the human lifestyle, and products and people could more efficiently be moved around, people became fascinated with the new technology….

Audience Rewards

Audience Rewards Points Play Trivia Update (5-8-13)

Good morning fellow Audience Rewards (AR) fans! Thanks to reader Thomas for alerting us that the questions updated overnight. We had the baby yesterday, and I am not 100% sure I would have even remembered to check Audience Rewards, so thank you! All questions/answers were updated on our official Audience Rewards page. Now, without further…

May-June 2013 Lego Club Magazine Legoland Discovery Center Coupon

We have updated our huge master list of Legoland Discounts and Coupons, including some new ones for Legoland Discovery Centers. If there are any discounts that are not listed, or for some reason links are no longer working, please let us know in the comments or by emailing us at justin (at) The May-June…