
Pilgrims and Puddles: Raspberry Picking for Fun and Entertainment

Late summer and fall in Ohio means a bountiful harvest. Apples, corn, and squash aplenty. With baskets full of fresh produce, we dawn our pilgrim outfits and get to making pies and casseroles. However, one of our favorite family activities is to go raspberry picking. There is nothing like sticking your hand into a pricker-infested…

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Visiting the Columbus Ohio Zoo Means More Than Just Animals

Last month our family decided to take a quick spin down to Columbus, Ohio since the weather was so nice. Our destination for this trip was the Columbus Zoo. It is incredible, to say the least, just how far the Columbus Zoo has come in the last decade. No longer is the zoo just a…

120922 Merry-Go-Round Museum Front
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Exploring the Merry-Go-Round Museum (Sandusky, Ohio)

While most people head to Sandusky, Ohio to visit Cedar Point, a couple years ago our family decided to visit the Merry-Go-Round Museum instead. We were recently invited back, thanks to fellow blogger The Traveling Praters. The museum is situated in an old United States Post Office, located in downtown Sandusky (301 Jackson Street, Sandusky,…