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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for Delta Skymiles (1-13-12)

I do not know if it was just me, but I sure missed the big lag in Audience Rewards trivia. This morning we have another round of the Delta Audience Rewards questions to earn you free miles. Now for the trivia questions. In what country is the story of Once set in the movie? Ireland…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for SPG Rewards (1-5-12)

Good Morning everyone! Today we have another round of the Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Audience Rewards questions to earn you free rewards. Now for the trivia questions. True or False? The New Amsterdam theatre has had many names in its history. False Glen Ballard, one of the composer/lyricist team for Ghost, the Musical, has written…

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Audience Rewards Trivia Update for US Airways Dividend Miles (1-4-12)

Update 1/4/12: Thanks to InACents readers Laura and Richard, who noted that overnight, the “rest” of the questions did show up in the US Airways program. There should now be 6 questions showing, as noted below. I have been sitting on this post all day waiting for the “rest” of the questions to post, but…