Existing Sony Card Holder Bonus Points
I wrote about the conversion of the Sony Card from Chase over to Capital One, and there has been lots of negativity about the program throughout the internet. Lots of people had or are experiencing difficulties in dealing with Capital One. Personally, I have not used the card since the conversion, so I have not had any problems. I carry the card only when some place does not accept my Discover Card.
Today someone on FatWallet (FW) posted an interesting promotion to earn bonus miles after so much spend on the card. The original poster in the FW thread stated they received a targeted offer for 5,000 bonus points after $500 in spend from now until November 15, 2011. My guess is that with all the aftermath of the conversion over to Capital One, not a lot of people have been using the card.
I have not received the mailer with the promotion details as of this post; however, you can see if you qualify by going to this (www.sonyrewards.com/en/gateway/.ssx?offerlink=offer7d) Sony Rewards website and signing in. After I signed in, I was notified I am registered for the promotion.
What is unclear is exactly what promotion I registered for since the site does not state what my spend or bonus requirements are for the deal. Hopefully in the mail within the next week I get a promotional card telling me my specific details. Otherwise, I might have to give them a call. Since drafting this post, I received a letter in the mail stating I also qualified for the 5,000 bonus points for $500 in spend by November 15, 2011. A scan of the letter is below.

Others in the FW thread have identified other lesser offers (lower points, more spend) than what I received. Each deal appears to have a unique link provided also, and it is definitely targeted. What has been your experience with Capitol One and the Sony Card?