
Sharebuilder Univested Cash Money Market vs New FDIC Cash Balance

I have several Sharebuilder accounts that I opened up during my single days and stashed away some fun money in various funds to see where it would go. It is funny because every time I go an look at my accounts, I have not made like anything with all the various ETFs I own. I am actually debating whether to liquidate all of them while I still have some free credits available, but I have not pulled the trigger yet. I thought we were going to have to liquidate in order to purchase our new home, but we had plenty of funds without needing to sell off everything.

Within my accounts, I have always kept the bonus money I received for opening up accounts in their money market account, kind of like a scientific control to be able to gauge how my funds would stack up against cash. I do not maintain anymore than $100 cash in my accounts, so I was never too concerned about the minimal earnings from the money market account.

Fast forward to the past week, and Sharebuilder is now offering a new option for cash. One can either keep the money in the money market account, which is currently only paying 0.02%, or they have a new FDIC Insured Cash account paying 0.5% APY.

I gladly switched all of my accounts over, and will see if it makes any difference. Again, I do not maintain lots of cash in the account, so initially I do not anticipate seeing much change. However, I might start to move over some of our other funds not earning much interest as 0.5% is better than some of the other measly earnings.

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