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Chase is Officially No Longer in the InACents Wallet

Last night I decided to call up old Chase to close down the last of my cards with them, the United Business card. I once opened that card to help fund our way to Hawaii. However, the $95 annual fee hit the bill this month. So I wanted to see what options Chase would present….

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Barclay’s US Airways Premier World MasterCard

I am so excited to announce that we can finally offer to our readers the US Airways Premier World MasterCard as an affiliate. The reason I am excited about the US Airways card is because I decided in my last app-o-rama to apply for this card, and have been rewarded nicely for doing so. However,…

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Discover Card 2% Cashback or Miles Bonus on Grocery Purchases

Discover Card (Facebook/Twitter) is promoting double (2%) cashback bonus or miles for all spend at Grocery stores November 16-18, 2012. Perfect timing to go out and purchase all of your Thanksgiving feasts. *Sign up to earn 2% Cashback Bonus on any grocery purchases made 11/16/12-11/18/12. These purchases do not count towards annual purchases eligible to…