Earn 2% Cashback or Double Miles with Discover on October 26, 2012

Just like the Discover Card Double Cashback or Miles promotion a couple of weeks ago, they are back again offering 2% cashback (Discover More) or double miles (Discover Miles) on all purchases made October 26, 2012. Simply log into your account and register for the promotion.

Discover Oct 26 Double Cashback Promo

Discover Oct 26 Double Miles Promo

Therefore, maybe you want to wait until then to purchase your Halloween costumes or candy.

*Sign up to earn 2% Cashback Bonus on any purchases made on 10/26/12. These purchases do not count towards annual purchases eligible to earn 1% Cashback Bonus. These purchases must post to your account on 10/26/12. We are not responsible for merchant delays in processing transactions. Allow up to 2 billing periods for this reward to be added to your Cashback Bonus account. See Cashback Bonus Program Terms and Conditions for further details about your rewards program.

*Sign up to earn Double Miles on any purchases made on 10/26/12. These purchases do not count towards annual purchases to determine your tier level. These purchases must post to your account on 10/26/12. We are not responsible for merchant delays in processing transactions. Allow up to 2 billing periods for this reward to be added to your Miles Account. See Miles Program Terms and Conditions for further details about your reward program.

Save Money, Travel More!

Pilgrims and Puddles: Raspberry Picking for Fun and Entertainment

Late summer and fall in Ohio means a bountiful harvest. Apples, corn, and squash aplenty. With baskets full of fresh produce, we dawn our pilgrim outfits and get to making pies and casseroles. However, one of our favorite family activities is to go raspberry picking.

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking

There is nothing like sticking your hand into a pricker-infested bush, while avoiding the bees to pick some of those sweet, ripe berries. Our family visits a local farm called Rosby’s. For several weeks each year, guest can come to pick their own confections. Your family is assigned a plot of bushes, for which you can pick until your little belly is content.

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Plants

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Berries 1

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Berries 2

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Basket

Our family typically fills a couple of baskets full so we have enough to eat, make some pies, and some other delectable desserts.

After a hour or so of picking berries, there is only so long two young boys can stay entertained. So what do they do? They find the only mud puddle in the area and find the pure joy of squishing around in the soft earth.

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Mud Puddle

120811 Rosby Raspberry Picking Muddy Boys

Mama had to wash the pilgrim outfits anyways, so what is it to add some muddy boy clothes to the load? I guess the boys did not learn their lessons from the Hawaiian chocolate incident.

Save Money, Travel More!

The Cost of Traveling During the Presidential Campaign

Over the weekend we posted an interesting infograph from Discover Card highlighting which Presidential Candidate college football fans would rather sit next to at a game. The results clearly showed college football fans favor Mitt Romney. However, the real question that is pressing everyone’s minds is not about the economy or tax reform. The American people are demanding to know how much money is being spent on travel during the presidential election campaign.

Fortunately, FlipKey (a TripAdvisor Company) looked into the issue for all of us and provided this handy infograph.

Travel Like a President - FlipKey Infographic
How to Travel Like a President by vacation rentals site FlipKey.com

Looking at the results, I myself have some burning questions not only for FlipKey, but also the candidates.

1) Why does President Obama’s flight cost per hour include security and equipment, yet Romney’s only includes rental costs? The Secret Service surely must watch over Romney’s plane even when he is not on board.

2) Does either candidate bother to collect reward points for their hotel stays? I hate to see government waste, and this sounds like the perfect example of money being left on the table at the taxpayers expense.

3) Even with lower transportation costs, Romney is far outspending Obama on travel costs. The difference clearly being related to the amount of pizza being consumed.

Save Money, Travel More!