The Perfect Time for a Disney Cruise? Expedia ASAP Kids Sail Free Promotion

10/22/12 Update: For those still interested in this offer, you can still book directly through Disney to take advantage of the Kids Sail Free offer out of Galveston.

Now may be the perfect time to take advantage of a Disney Cruise, or is it? I have to think going on a Disney Cruise versus any other cruise line has to be one of the more difficult decisions for a family because the cost is easily double to triple of other companies. Yet each year tons of families pack the ships. While our family loves the Disney brand and visiting the parks, I just can not justify the cost of a Disney cruise. However, every once in a while a good sale comes along making the decision to go on a Disney Cruise a little more obtainable.

Kids Sale Free Disney Cruise

Expedia is currently offering Kids Sail Free Disney cruises departing out of Galveston, Texas on select 6 to 8-night cruises departing between January 4 and March 1, 2013. However, here is the rough part…you need to book the cruise before the end of tomorrow. The nice thing is that you will at least get an onboard credit, enough to help justify the extra cost of the $15 kids souvenir drinks they try and persuade your kids to buy once onboard.

One must call Expedia to take advantage of this offer, but one can at least check out the prices. Here is where I start to question the validity of this offer. Now keep in mind, I realize pricing is based on demand, as well as season. Apparently, after the new year must be high demand season. Who knew traveling during the school year was peak demand?

Prices per person run around $600 (plus taxes, fees, etc.) in November-December 2012.

Disney Cruise Prices Nov-Dec 2012

Then lets take a look at the prices during this promotion, January-March 2013.

Disney Cruise Prices Jan-Mar 2013

As you can see, the price is nearly double per person. So a family of four would save practically no money on the cruise portion by taking advantage of this promotion. It is simply a mind game to make one think they are saving money.

Cram an additional child into your room, then you start to justify the cost. Otherwise, Disney is just playing games with this promotion, to make customers feel the need that there is a rush to book this offer thinking they are getting a deal.

Conveniently, prices on Disney cruises starting in April drop back down to $870 on select sailings.

I realize everything Disney costs more, and I always wonder to myself why Disney feels like charging so much for their products, just because they can. It just does not seem the ethical thing Walt would have wanted. However, that is also the market we live in, and while there is demand, there will be higher prices. Just the fact that Disney continues to jack up ticket prices each year during a down economy is the perfect example.

Am I missing something?

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The Points Guide 25,000 Delta Skymile Giveaway

The Points Guide

Our friend Derek, who authors a site about Maximizing Free Travel Rewards, was featured today on our other friend Daraius’ site, Million Mile Secrets. We were fortunate to have Derek guest post for us back during our Hawaiian adventure, where he highlighted some of his great adventures that he has been able to take advantage of by using points and miles.

Derek is graciously giving away 25,000 Delta Skymiles and entering is simple with a variety of different ways to increase your chances of winning.

What would you do with 25,000 Delta Skymiles? If we won, we would likely save them for my father-in-laws 60th birthday party celebration in 2014. However, we are not entering to give everyone the best chance as possible to win. Good luck to everyone, and maybe one of our readers will win!

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Discover Card’s College Fan Poll Proves No Loyalty to the Chicken Wing

Discover Football Badge

Do you have a favorite game-day snack? When you wake up in the morning, put on your teams favorite colors, and tune in to watch a game of competitive badminton, we all get the munchies, so what is your indulgence? When I settle in to watch some synchronized diving with my bucket of chicken wings, most the rest of the country is watching an aggressive game of football.

There is nothing more symbolic of perfect Americana than football and the foodie experience, where countless fans, both tailgating and at home, fire up the grills, order the pizza and party subs, and cook up those chicken wings. We all have our fan favorite team, but how do College football fans rank their favorite foods, and how do they compare across the different conferences?

Discover Card (Facebook/Twitter) recently questioned college fans across the country to determine what their favorite game-day snacks were, so lets look at the results.

Discover Fan Loyalty Infographic - Food

When asked what their favorite snack was, 23 percent said pizza, followed by:

  • Wings, 15 percent
  • Chips and dips, 14 percent
  • Nachos, 8 percent
  • Hot dogs or sausage, 6 percent
  • Pretzels, 4 percent
  • Something else, 20 percent
  • Not sure, 10 percent

Clearly the results of this survey show that the real chicken wing fans are those that follow synchronized swimming, as our fans favor chicken wings over any other food 2 to 1. Ludicrous! Maybe NFL fans fare better than college fans.

And 20% enjoy something else, and 10% are not sure? Who are these people getting surveyed. I want names and numbers. At my next football party (fine I will succumb and watch a game), maybe I need to have what those 30% want to eat. Sushi anyone?

When asked do game day calories count, fans answered with the following:

  • 46 percent, No, my diet goes out the window when I’m tailgating or watching my team play
  • 39 percent, Yes, but I still indulge in a few favorites
  • 10 percent, Absolutely, I don’t overeat or drink when I’m tailgating or watching my team play
  • 4 percent, Unsure

Well great, here is where we can all come together as Americans and agree, dieting and tailgating do not go hand-in-hand. Although trying to fit into your synchronized swimsuit may be a little tough after a bucket of wing sauce. College fans after all need to justify the Freshman 15.

Lastly, College football fans still have a healthy appetite for Alabama as nearly half, 49 percent, chose them as the best team in the country right now. The Crimson Tide has secured the top spot each week since the beginning of the season. Following Alabama:

  • Oregon, 9 percent
  • Florida State, 6 percent
  • West Virginia, 4 percent
  • Louisiana State University, 3 percent
  • Kansas State, 2 percent
  • Georgia, 4 percent
  • South Carolina, 2 percent
  • Some other team, 11 percent
  • Not sure, 10 percent

When asked which of the above teams’ would win the national championship this year, Alabama came out on top at 45 percent.

For reference, here are some of the other Discover Card Fan Loyalty Poll results.
Will Discover Card’s College Football Poll Tell the Results of the 2012 Presidential Election?

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Discover Card does compensate our family for being an official Fan Loyalty Correspondent, but any opinions are our own.