Audience Rewards Starwood Preferred Guest 100,000 Point Promotion (Week 4)

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We are now half way through the Audience Rewards’ new promotion with Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG). Over the course of 5 weeks (last week no new questions were posted), Audience Reward members who have their SPG accounts linked (which you already do from following the InACents Points Play trivia page updates, right?), will have the opportunity to answer 10 trivia questions. Each correct answer earns you 1 Show Point (i.e. Audience Rewards currency), as well as an additional entry for the grand prize, 100,000 SPG StarPoints!

Together with the entry you receive for linking your account, there are a possible 41 total entries. We at InACents would love one of our readers to win the grand prize. Therefore, we will be giving you the answers to gain the maximum amount of entries.

So without further ado, here is the information for this weeks entries. Note they all have to do with the Broadway production of Spider-Man. Good Luck! (There was supposed to be 10 questions today, but only 9 are currently showing.)

1) After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker discovers he no longer needs what? Eyeglasses

2) Doctor Norman Osborn is in what scientific field of research?” Genetics.

3) When he’s not fighting crime, Peter Parker works as a: Photographer

4) In Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark, Peter Parker writes a school report about which mythological creature? Arachne

5) In addition to being Peter Parker’s girlfriend, Mary Jane is: An actress

6) Spider-Man’s motto becomes “With great power comes great…” Responsibility

7) Where does Spider-Man take on his first “official” opponent? Wrestling tournament

8) Which character’s death inspires Peter Parker to fight crime? Uncle Ben

9) Which New York City borough is Peter Parker from? Queens

Note, the questions as part of this promotion will not earn SPG StarPoints like the typical Points Play trivia program does. What I also do not know is if these questions will appear in the next round of Points Play trivia questions. If that happens, there is a chance you will not be able to answer them again to earn SPG StarPoints. I think the risk is low though, as the Points Play trivia questions have yet to all be about the same show in one round.

Please visit our Audience Rewards Points Play Trivia to stay up-to-date on the latest information on earning FREE Delta Skymiles, US Airways Dividend Miles, SPG StarPoints, and Best Buy Reward Zone points!

For reference, here are week 1, week 2 questions, and week 3 questions and answers.

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Finding a Moment of Solitude Waiting for a Disaster

One afternoon on the Big Island of Hawaii, I found myself sitting on our balcony of the Kona Tiki Hotel, and enjoying the death defying acts of some surfers after a storm had rolled through. Right outside of our window lied a very rocky area that met the ocean. There was no beach for a soft landing, just porous and fragmented lava-rock. Depending on the time of day, the waves against the rock outcrops was obnoxious and loud. I could not imagine myself setting any foot into the water in this area.

So watching surfers be pushed into shore upon waves was like watching people sentencing themselves to a painful death. I could just imagine falling off a surfboard only to be met with the sharp and jagged lava-rock below the surface of the water. Then as I float bleeding in the water, the sharks would be circling as I tried stumbling onto the shore, only to be knocked around by the waves crashing from behind.

For those reason, I greatly was impressed watching the surfers of Hawaii. I gave tremendous respect for their dedication to the sport.

Save Money, Travel More!

Discover Card Asks the Question: Would You Skip Work for Tickets

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Just the other day I was sitting underneath my Snuggie (do not judge; I was in my bathing suit and it was 30 degrees outside) watching the greatest match of synchronized swimming ever, when a friend called me up with an offer I just could not refuse.

The local crochet group was having a special event to knit a pot holder with the Mayor, being held at the zoo. My yarn about popped out off its spool with excitement. The only problem was the event was being held in the middle of the week. So now I was being presented with the chance of a LIFETIME, while also facing a dilemma of how to get off of work.

I of course had a big project due at the end of the week at work, and was not sure how I could let this opportunity pass me by. I could tell my boss the truth and explain my affection for warm oven mitts, but I am not 100% sure he would agree. My other option would be to call in sick, but if my boss’ wife also happen to be at the event, I would have been caught red-handed (and without a new Ove-Glove for protection). There was a huge demand and premium being paid for the tickets on StubHub, so there was always the option to turn a profit. What would you do?

If you are big into sports and have a favorite team, it is inevitable that at some point in your life you will be offered free tickets to a game. Afterall, your friend is doing the right thing with not going to the game on a work day, and figures your lackluster career could benefit from the opportunity. The question is, what do you do with the tickets? How important is seeing that game? If your tickets are for the weekend, and you already had other plans, do you man up and go to that neighbor’s kid birthday party or do you call them up and say you will not be able to attend? Now lets say the game is on a work day. What would you do?

Are you able to easily just call the day off? Discover Card (Facebook/Twitter) set out to answer that question with the latest Fan Loyalty Poll. Unfortunately, the results were honestly, just not that interesting.

Discover Fan Loyalty Poll Infographic - Free Tickets

The majority of people would just do the right thing and ask for the day off. Come on people. Have you never seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? You only live once; lets make life interesting.

What is even worse is that 19% of those polled thought it would be a good idea to invite their boss along to the event. Sickening. Bosses are only meant to make our lives miserable. They are not our friends, and there is no reason to share a bucket of chicken wings with them.

Besides, who else would I give these lovely pot holders for Christmas?

crochet over mitt

The above information is a farce, lest anyone think Discover Card is actually promoting skipping out on work.


For reference, here are some of the other Discover Card Fan Loyalty Poll results.
Will Discover Card’s College Football Poll Tell the Results of the 2012 Presidential Election?
Discover Card’s College Fan Poll Proves No Loyalty to the Chicken Wing
Being a Couch Potato Could Earn You A $25 Discover Gift Card
Discover Fan Loyalty Evaluates Football Superstitions

Save Money, Travel More!

Discover Card does compensate our family for being an official Fan Loyalty Correspondent, but any opinions are our own.